Ionic Interview Questions
Ionic Interview Questions

Ionic Interview Questions

1. What is Ionic Framework?

IONIC is just an HTML5 framework that allows web developers to create hybrid mobile applications. Hybrid applications are mini web pages that function in a web shell in the apps and have entry to the original performance surface.It’s a robust HTML5 SDK for creating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript mobile apps. The ionic framework focuses on the app’s design aesthetic and user interface interactivity. Ionic is a great fit for your app’s front end. They are available under an MIT license and can be used for personal and business purposes.

2. What is the difference between PhoneGap, Cordova, and Ionic?

  • Cordova: Cordova is a JavaScript framework for creating apps that interact with the device’s hardware. Cordova cannot create UI interactivity for mobile apps since it relies on HTML5, CSS6, and Sencha. It does, however, work in conjunction with other web technologies used to create mobile apps. Apache Cordova is another name for Cordova.
  • PhoneGap: PhoneGap technology was built by Adobe Systems. It may be used to construct mobile applications and for anybody with a basic understanding of CSS, HTML, and JScript. PhoneGap is a modified version of Apache Cordova that adds extra functionality to the core Cordova framework.
  • IONIC: The IONIC framework is being used to create cross-platform mobile apps that employ web technologies such as CSS and HTML. It was released in 2013 and is based on Angular JS and Apache Cordova.

3. How to use services/providers in Ionic?

In the Ionic framework, services are essential since they provide information to our app and assist us with various tasks. Connectivity Monitor, Simple Alert, data, Google Maps, and others are among the protocols included in the ionic framework. There are some things to keep in mind when designing a service. The most critical steps are importing a service, adding a provider, and injecting it. It is necessary to import the services into the classes that will use them. It adds a new member variable that may be accessed anywhere in the class when injected into the procedure Object().

4. How many types of storage are available in the Ionic framework?

Storage in Ionic Framework is a simple way of storing keys, values, and JSON objects. Engines of many types are employed in this storage. The storage for the web application will most likely be IndexedDB, WebSQL, and local storage. The ionic framework offers a variety of storage options. These are some of them.

  • HTML5 local storage
  • Cookie and session storage
  • indexedDB
  • WebSQL
  • PouchDB
  • Web Service/API storage
  • Cordova storage.

5. What is the Ionic CLI?

The original Ionic CLI, or Command-Line-Interface, is a vital instrument for Ionic application development. It combines a variety of tools into a unified dashboard. Begin, create, publish, and execute are just a few of the essential functions for Ionic growth. And also has functions such as emulating information, and these can be useful under those circumstances. And it’s in charge of cloud builds and deployments, as well as managing your Ionic pro subscription.

6. How can you test your Ionic applications?

Ionic v1 apps are designed with AngularJS. Two of the several testing frameworks and libraries accessible with Angular are Jasmine and the Karma test driver. Such frameworks could be used to build a test suite for Ionic apps. Ionic apps can be evaluated in four forms: on a pc WebKit site, in an iOS or Android emulator, in a chrome website on your mobile, or as a native app on your phone.

Ionic-CLI additionally includes a continuous reloading feature that lets users test their app on the web page. For instance, the ionic service line is used to run the app on almost any website. We can use Chrome Developer Tools or Mozilla Firefox with Firebug to troubleshoot and explore Ionic apps.

7. What is the best approach to incorporate navigation into an Ionic 4 app?

Ionic 4 is built on the Angular framework, and it uses RouterModule, an Angular router module, for navigation. It improves the overall consistency of the application’s routing. In previous versions of Ionic, the NavController service was used for navigation, and it is still available, albeit it will be deprecated soon. As a result, it will not be encouraged in new Ionic applications written with Ionic 4.In the latest revision of Ionic, the ion-router-outlet element is being used to handle the effects that show as the user leaves to or from an element within the application. The ion-router-outlet is identical to the Angular router-outlet, except it has an animation effect added to it.

8. What exactly is WebView?

Ionic apps leverage web standards including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as we well know. These web applications are rendered using Web Views, which are full-screen, high-powered web browsers.In the existing web view, there are several built-in HTML5 APIs for hardware features, such as a cam, Bluetooth, Geolocation, sensor systems, and audio. Occasionally, it could also necessitate accessibility to platform-specific APIs. The hardware APIs can be reached via a bridge layer in the Ionic framework, which is often accomplished by using original plugs that expose JavaScript APIs.



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